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November 28, 2014


My hair, which I'm donating
With this simple title I want to introduce you to "Verein Haarfee" (translates to Club Hairfary). Now you might ask yourself "What's that?"

Verein Haarfee is a NGO which helps children, who have lost their hair due to illness or other dramatic circumstances. After children have lost their hair due to chemo therapy or whatsoever, they might get bullied or feel very unconfident and sad. With a donation you give them the chance to get a wig that looks real. 

Before the haircut
Those wigs made of real hair are usually very, very expensive they cost around € 1,500 up to € 3,000 or even more. The insurance won't cover all these expenses, they only cover around € 380. Which is why Verein Haarfee, or any other NGO collecting for this purpose needs to be supported. You know that these cheap wigs made from plastic or other fabric always look like wigs. Maybe children feel uncomfortable with a cheap wig like that, get teased or bullied, and it might not feel too good on their little heads.

After the haircut
How to donate?
You can either donate money OR your hair! 
(Note: If you don't live in Austria and want to donate: look for a NGO like this in your home country)

I've decided to donate my hair, after cutting it. I told the hairdresser that I'd like to donate my hair, and that they should use a hairband to keep it from falling apart, so that I could take it home. The next step is sending it to this NGO. First I put it in a plastic bag and then I put it in an envelope. - I really like the thought that I could make a child happy!

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