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May 13, 2014

Austria won the ESC :D

(c)Sander Hesterman (EBU) (

I think it's pretty cool that Austria won the ESC (Eurovision Song contest) 2014! ... I loved the message about tolerance, Conchita Wurst carried out, :)
To be honest I didn't expect her to win... I said to my mum: “Well she's going to be noticed but is that enough?” (That was when I didn't know the song. I don't like checking out the songs before, because it is more of a surprise if you don't listen to them until the actual show!)...
Austria even got points from countries which I didn't expect to give any points at all!

Did you know that Austria participated in the ESC about 47 times and only won this show 1x before this year's show? Last time Austria won was back in 1966! The winning song in 1966 was "Merci Chérie" by Udo Jürgens
The first time Austria participated in the ESC was in 1957, the song was "Wohin, kleines Pony" by Bob Martin.

For me Conchita Wurst's song "Rise Like a Phoenix" feels like it could be the soundtrack for a Bond movie... I mean it's pretty awesome ;)

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